What are the benefits of water purifiers?

What are the benefits of water purifiers?

“Is the water I am drinking safe, pure, and contains essential minerals ?”, how often do you wonder this? Well, you don’t ponder over it until drinking unpurified water messes up your health. Water is one of the essential components required for your survival and is usually taken for granted. Drinking the required amount of clean water every day is essential for good health. The benefits of drinking hygienic water are :

  • Aids to maximize your physical performance.
  • Regulates body temperature.
  • Helps to flush out the waste out of the body.
  • Prevents various gastrointestinal and kidney-related disorders.
  • Helps in the circulation of oxygen through the blood.
  • Reduces skin ailments. 

However, the utility of water can only be harnessed if clean, purified water is consumed. Impure water from unreliable or unhygienic sources contains an ever-augmenting array of pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc, or toxins like heavy metal impurities of arsenic, lead, and mercury can make humans susceptible to various diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, polio, tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, etc. Drinking impure, adulterated water could be the leading cause of your sorrow and can even cost you your life. Thus, extra care has to be taken about the source of your drinking water as the quality and quantity of water directly affect your health.

Home water purification is the simplest, most economical, and swiftest way to ensure a pure, contaminant-free supply of water. It becomes necessary because humans are more sensitive to waterborne diseases than other organisms. Installing a water purifier at home equipped with a proper water-filtration technique can remove harmful chemical substances, organic and inorganic impurities, and microorganisms present in water to provide you with good quality water which has proper taste and smell.

Thus, millions of households opt water purifiers for to ensure access to clean drinking water. If you are still skeptical about purchasing a water purifier, here are a few benefits that will persuade you to get one :

  • Unrestricted supply of safe and clean drinking water

Installing a water purifier at home assures you of pure drinking water at any time of the hour. It reduces your dependency on the township water supply for your drinking water. Thus, you can access clean water without any hindrance.

  • Elimination of disease-causing contaminants 

Tap water is not a viable solution to ensure access to uncontaminated water. It is a common carrier of disease-causing microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. These pathogens make water unsuitable for human consumption and cause various gastrointestinal disorders, water-borne diseases, etc. Modern water purifiers effectively remove these harmful microbiological contaminants. It safeguards you and your family from a myriad of chronic diseases and infections. 

  • Removes toxic impurities

Water purifiers can annihilate toxic traces of various heavy metals like Lead, Zinc, Arsenic, and mercury can cause severe health ailments in long term related to the growth and development of the body, kidney, liver, and nervous system. It can even lead to serious fatal diseases like cancer, lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, etc. The presence of iron in water contributes to the metallic aftertaste. The carbon filter and RO filter inside the water purifier eliminate these metals and make the water fit for consumption. 

  • Removal of total dissolved solids

Water purifiers achieve the ideal TDS level by removing excess TDS by bringing them under the acceptable limit. Calcium, magnesium, chlorides, phosphates, sulfates, bicarbonates, dust, and dirt form the major constituents of TDS. In a RO system, a special membrane is used which restricts the flow of dissolved substances to provide us with purified and consumable water. High TDS-level water can be purified by water purifiers that use a combination of RO+UV/UF with a TDS Controller. 

  • Addition of essential minerals 

Water purifiers add the necessary minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are healthy and make the water better in taste. These added minerals boost your immunity and improve your health. The regular intake of these minerals improves the functionality of your body while simultaneously enhancing your overall health. It strengthens the immune system improves digestion, hair, and skin quality, as well as assists in weight loss.

  • Saves time

Water purifiers are hassle-free and save a considerable amount of time that could have been wasted in boiling water to purify it. Traditional water filters are slow but modern water purifiers are fast and require minimal maintenance. These cleaners are even fitted with an alarm to alert the users of the upcoming service.

  • More cost-effective

Purchasing a water purifier is more economical and convenient than buying needless and wasteful water bottles from shops every time you wish to drink water. Using a water purifier can increase the life of your household appliances too which would have been damaged by the chemicals present in untreated tap water.

  • Environmental Benefits

Packaged water bottles containing ‘pure water’ fill up landfills in bulk. Buying a plastic water bottle pollutes the environment and contributes to the extensive load of plastic which is encumbering the environment and the ecosystem.  A water purifier is a good one-time investment as it doesn’t contribute to the carbon emissions involved in the transportation of crates of bottled plastic bottles. 

Bottom line 

As the well-known proverb states, ‘Water purifiers are the world’s first and foremost medicine’ as a good water purifier can simultaneously improve your health, help you save money, and do your part for the environment. It not only eliminates harmful chemicals and infectious contaminants but also enhances the overall quality and taste of water. Renowned companies like LIVPURE, one of the leading water purifier brands in India, have come up with top-rated water purifiers which are equipped with technologies such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultrafiltration (UF), TDS Controller, and Essential Minerals Technology to deliver pure and healthy water at an affordable price. 

Opt for a good quality water purifier today and invest in a healthier future for yourself and your family members.  

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