The Impact Of Various Kinds Of Water On Teeth

The Impact Of Various Kinds Of Water On Teeth

Water is good for your health, including your oral health, which is so obvious. Everyone is urged to drink eight glasses per day. Because it dissolves food particles and other residues that cavity-causing bacteria like to feast on, water is an excellent mouth cleanser. Cavity-causing germs in your mouth feed on sugar, which in turn causes them to generate acid that can erode the protective layer of enamel that covers your teeth. But how precisely does the type of water influence our teeth, in reality? And there are so many distinct types when you think about it.

Sparkling Water

The acidity of sparkling or carbonated water may be slightly higher than that of a typical glass. That's because carbon dioxide, which is used to create the carbonation, is converted to the carbonic acid in your mouth. That is the source of the spicy, tangy flavor of sparkling water. However, it doesn't seem to be acidic enough to create any problems.

It is important to keep in mind that flavor or sugar-flavored carbonated water is no longer just basic water with bubbles and may have a greater acidity that is bad for your teeth. This includes only adding a squeeze of lime or lemon. In addition, dentists do advise choosing still water over sparkling water if you're seeking for water to sip throughout the day. This is because while it may not seem like sparkling water has any significant negative consequences, if you sipped and swished with it throughout the day, every day, year after year, the relatively few effects would pile up.

Because eating increases saliva production, drinking sparkling water together with a meal may also help reduce any slight risk of enamel erosion. Around a pH of 5.5, most experts concur, demineralization of teeth starts to occur.

Tap Water

Since patients can benefit from a variety of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, the majority of dentists advise drinking regular tap water. 

It's crucial to remember that water and many other sources naturally contain fluoride. Fluoride can help stop the development of new cavities but it cannot repair or reverse preexisting tooth decay.


Groundwater such as water from a well often has a higher mineral concentration and is more "hard" in nature. It would be wise to periodically get the water tested if your primary dwelling uses well water. Understanding the amount of fluoride in the water is the dentists' top worry because if it is too little, cavities won't be prevented. But excessive consumption can stain teeth.

You can determine the presence of other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, salt, and phosphorus, by having your water analyzed. Since the quantities of these minerals in tap water are regulated, they are always known, in contrast to well water where they are unknown unless recently tested. 

This is a great and highly accessible source of water that supports oral health and safeguards teeth, provided that your well water has a proper balance of all of these minerals. 

There are a variety of potential advantages to rinsing with salt water. It can defend teeth and fend off harmful microorganisms. However, high consumption of sodium or salt in meal gargles or while rinsing may cause your mouth to feel dry. That would have the exact opposite effect, encouraging the development of bacteria and maybe causing irritation to the mucous membranes in your mouth.

The act of rinsing with salt water could be viewed as therapeutic. It's fantastic to use within 24 hours of a simple dental procedure, for mouth sores, for a sore throat, or even as a fallback if mouthwash or toothpaste are not accessible. The saltwater rinse does appear to irritate mucous membranes less than certain commercial mouthwash choices, despite the possibility of overdosing on it.

Citrus or Lemon infused Water

Lemon water can be beneficial to your body in numerous ways. Citrus is acidic, so putting any citrus fruit in your water and consuming it all day could be bad for your dental health. Lemon juice's pH can range from 2 to 2.6, which is significantly lower than the 5.5 pH level at which dental enamel loss can start.

If you don't want to stop drinking lemon water, try reserving it for certain times of day when you can consume an entire glass at once. You can also try drinking it through a straw, diluting the lemon juice with more water, and drinking it lukewarm or just barely cool to halt any potential chemical reactions that could lead to enamel erosion.

Flavored Water

There are countless methods to adorn your water these days. However, it's important to keep in mind that in addition to citrus water, other mixtures may also be acidic or have varying amounts of sugar in your beverage.

Common herbal water infusions like mint, basil, or cucumber water may be a little bit safer. However, it is often wise to think of infused foods as being just a step beyond juices when it comes to dental health. To put it another way, plain water is preferable but a little bit of taste wouldn’t hurt once in a while.

About Livpure

In all cases, the best way to ensure that you and your loved ones are drinking purified water is to use a water purifier. The price range of water purifiers in India includes many affordable RO+UV water filtration systems. Drinking purified water every day can help avoid communicable diseases like typhoid, cholera, diarrhea, and more from spreading to your family. If you want to start your search for the best water purifier in India, head to our website where you can find affordable yet innovative Livpure water purifiers. You can find RO water purifiers and UV water purifiers at a good price. What are you waiting for? Hurry and find your healthy water purifier on our website right now and give your loved ones all the benefits of using a water purifier such as drinking safe purified water!

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