Some easy and Effective Ways to Purify Water

Some easy and Effective Ways to Purify Water

Water is the most essential resource that all living things require, and this cannot be emphasized enough. This all-purpose solvent is the essence of life on our planet. Water covers more than 70% of the earth's surface, but most of it is unfit for human consumption.

Your daily regime should include drinking at least eight glasses of filtered water. Your regular water intake has an impact on how well you feel overall. Dehydration, weariness, constipation, and kidney stones are common symptoms of those who don't drink enough water.

A lot of people today are talking about and emphasizing the benefits of drinking water and the right time to drink water. When we refer to water, we mean purified water. The source of the drinking water is very important as it determines the quality of water you ingest. The quality of water that we ingest has a huge impact on our overall health. Most of the tap water in India is unfit for consumption and needs to undergo some treatment process before it is fit to drink. Every year, more than one lakh people in our nation pass away from water-borne illnesses. Additionally, there is a lack of adequate planning and treatment of drinking water, leaving us with little choice except to use water purification at our homes and places of employment.

Even water that appears clear and clean might contain dangerous pollutants that can cause you harm. It is emphasized that we should only drink purified water. Using a high-quality water filter is the quickest and most dependable way to purify water.

However, we will cover several additional alternatives in this post for purifying water for drinking

  1. Boiling: This is the most straightforward method one might use. When using tap water for cooking or even drinking while at home, make sure to boil it for at least 20 minutes at a high temperature. All the bacteria, viruses, and parasites that could be present in the water are eradicated by boiling. Easy enough, isn’t it?
  2. Chlorination: To purify water before ingesting, one might easily use liquid household chlorine. It is important to always remember to use the right ratio or amount of water to the appropriate chlorine content. Never go above the prescribed amount of chlorine that needs to be added to purify water . The only drawback to this procedure is that you will have an odd aftertaste and odor. Adding chlorine to the water and prolonged exposure to chlorine may be bad for health and may lead to life-threatening conditions.
  3. Filtration: It is one of the best methods for cleaning water. This technique uses several physical and chemical procedures to clean the water and make it suitable for human consumption. Depending on the type of filter, it takes care of sediments and impurities in the water be they bacterial or chemical.
  4. Distillation: This is more of a scientific process where water is boiled, and the water vapor is collected. This vapor is connected to a condenser, which then collects the water for drinking. Although it seems like a legitimate procedure, the biggest drawback is that the purifying process is cumbersome. It treats bacteria and germs, but it is also an expensive endeavor.
  5. Water Purifiers: You are undoubtedly already familiar with this type of purifier. It is commonly seen in most homes nowadays. There are many different purifiers on the market, but we advise choosing UV RO purifiers because they are the most suitable for homes. UV RO water purifiers are suitable for treating most types of water, be it tanker water or municipality water.
  6. Filtration through matkas or clay vessels: Clay jars are regarded as useful for storing and filtering water in various regions of India and in other nations as well. Muddy water could be cleaned using a clay pot or container that has a lot of pores. Clay containers are thought to be excellent for enhancing the cleanliness of the water.
  7. Reverse Osmosis: In the past, RO water purification was primarily used in industrial and commercial settings. However, RO purification has recently emerged as the most dependable and widely used technique for purify drinking water in homes. Water is forced across a semipermeable membrane during the reverse osmosis process to remove impurities.
  8. Water purifying tabs: These tablets' primary ingredients would either be chlorine dioxide or iodine. They eliminate a wide range of bacteria and other microorganisms that might be present in water. The water needs to be left alone for 30 minutes to be cleaned. Although using these tablets can give water an unappealing flavor and odor. Additionally, they don't do a very good job of getting rid of the potential chemical components in water. So, no, it isn't a completely approved method for removing contaminants from drinking water.
  9. Solar Purification: This is another form of distillation, that heats the water using the power of the sun and then, collects the pure water vapor and stores it for drinking.
  10. Iodine: The bacteria and viruses that might be in your water are known to be killed by this chemical. It is a much stronger disinfectant than filtration and is also more efficient. You heard us correctly, yes! But, don't get too enthusiastic, as drinking iodine-treated water could leave a bad taste in your mouth.
  11. UV Purification: UV radiation is used to purify the water, and it works by essentially destroying the DNA of the bacteria or microorganisms so that they can no longer reproduce. However, this method falls short when it comes to purging the water of physical contaminants and heavy metals.

Some of the methods mentioned above may no longer be effective and may not appear feasible, but we have included them on our list so that they might still be employed in circumstances when no solution exists. There is nothing better than modern water purifiers if you have access to them. Your family's health is in grave danger if you continue to drink municipal tap water or groundwater that hasn't been purified. It is necessary to start using a water purifier today!

About Livpure

Livpure water purifiers take your safety into account and adhere to water safety regulations without endangering the environment or endangering your health. You may select from a large range of water purifiers from Livpure that use Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultraviolet (UV), Ultrafiltration (UF), Carbon Activated Filters, and TDS Control Technology.

The Livpure online store, as well as Amazon and Flipkart, all sell water purifiers. By calling our customer service number, you can also schedule a free consultation with a member of the Livpure consultant team, who will respond to you right away.

Also read : List Of Factors To Take Into Account When Buying A Water Purifier

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