How to Check the Condition of Filters of a Water Purifier?

How to Check the Condition of Filters of a Water Purifier?

Every home now needs a water purifier because of growing pollution levels and poor water quality in many cities. While there are various models of water purifiers in the market with different features, the quality of the filters is what really counts. A water purifier's filters remove suspended and dissolved contaminants from drinking water, but after a few months of use, they get clogged and become less efficient. To guarantee that you and your family drink clean drinking water, it is crucial to regularly maintain the water purifier filter. 

As a result, this article goes into great depth about how to check the condition of filters of water purifier. 

Different kinds of filters in a Water Purifier

The most crucial parts of a water purifier are the water filters. To get rid of the various contaminants in water, sediment and carbon filters are important. The filters in the majority of India's top water purifiers need to be changed every 6 to 8 months. The quantity and quality of water you use also affect how frequently the filters need to be changed. Both of these filters eliminate different impurities from water at various stages.

  • Sediment Filter

Using a sediment filter can help remove dust and dirt from water. Additionally, the filter is crucial for preserving and shielding the RO membranes from debris. When you don't change the filter when it needs to be changed, dirt from raw water gets through the membrane and contaminates the water you get. This may result in a number of severe illnesses.

  • Carbon Filter

Sometimes the water we receive has a really bad odor, making it unfit for drinking. In an effort to purify the water before supplying it to your houses, the water supply authorities add chlorine to it. Sometimes the chlorine used to purify the water leaves the water with an unpleasant odor. When it comes to eliminating chlorine and other dangerous toxins from water, carbon filters become important. The filter also cleans the water of any unpleasant smells. This is the reason for the need that the carbon filter should be replaced at least once each year.

When should you change the filters of your water purifier?

  • Lower Pressure & Slower Water Dispensation

The contaminants in the water clog the filters in a water purifier, especially in the case of water with high TDS levels. You could see that the water pressure is lower than it was previously and that the water is dispersed more slowly in such a situation. It implies that in order to get your water purifier working again, you might need to change the filters shortly.

  • Change in taste and smell of water

Certain dangerous chemicals and undesirable particles are filtered out of the water as it travels through several filters and the RO membrane. Filters that are clogged don't operate as effectively as necessary, and the contaminants may end up in your drinking water. If the carbon filters are not functioning properly, this might result in an odd taste and odor in the water. As a result, you might need to change the filters soon.

  • TDS levels in water are higher

Total Dissolved Solids, or TDS, is a measure of the purity of water. High TDS levels are seen in impure water. You might notice that the water tastes a little salty and feels hard as the filters start to deteriorate. The ability of water to create white spots on drinking glasses is another indication of high TDS levels.

  • The water looks cloudy

Pure water is transparent and colorless. The lack of this characteristic indicates the presence of contaminants in the water. Sometimes, when filters don't work as they should, the water may seem hazy, and this water is not safe to drink. When referring to turbidity, which is the term for the water's cloudiness, you may detect it by bringing a glass of water up to the sun. It is obvious that you need new filters for your water purifier if the water seems cloudy.

  • Indicator light or alarm on your water purifier activates

Many companies include an alarm or indicator on their water purifiers since not everyone can remember when to change the filters. When it's time to change the filters, these sensors turn on. Please have your water purifier filter replaced as soon as possible when it displays such a signal.

How can you test your water filter at home? 

Testing your water before and after it passes through your filter is the most reliable way to find out if it is functioning properly.

This analysis is referred to as performance testing since it assesses how successfully your filter minimizes or removes potentially harmful particles that pass through.

You may assess the quality of your filtered water in two ways:

  • Perform a Full Performance Test.

You must order two tests for this method—one to check the water before filtration and the other to check the water after filtration. A thorough performance test compares the contaminant levels before and after filtration to assess the filter's effectiveness. 

  • Perform a Post-treatment test.

Only after passing through your filter does a post-treatment test analyze the water. Using this technique, you may assess the filtered water's quality and determine if it's safe to drink.

The contaminants in the water you drink will be visible in their concentrations, but not their concentrations before filtration.

About Livpure

Only if you adhere to the cleaning and maintenance instructions will a water filter operate efficiently. It is necessary to replace the filters at regular time intervals to guarantee that you receive clean and safe drinking water since filters are essential in supplying you with safe and clean water to consume. 

A filter change alarm is included with Livpure water filters, the best RO filter for homes. The built-in filter that sounds like an audible alarm is a feature of Livpure water filters. It is time to replace the water filters whenever the alarm goes off. For the convenience and safety of the users, the purifier stops working if the filters are not replaced. 

To change its filters at the appropriate intervals, we advise using Livpure Water Filter Repair services.

Also Read: How to maintain your RO Water Purifier

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