How to avoid dehydration during pregnancy

How to avoid dehydration during pregnancy

The human body, especially that of an expecting mother, is amazing beyond expression. Mothers-to-be generally feel an urgent thirst to support the additional need for fluids for the baby's proper development.  This is why it is incredibly crucial to stay hydrated during pregnancy. Are you also going through this exciting yet nerve-wracking stage of life? Then, best believe that you need more water than an average person – to produce amniotic fluid, form extra blood, carry nutrients, flush out toxins, and support your little one's growth.

This guide talks about five essential tips for pregnant women to keep themselves adequately hydrated.

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1. Make Hydration a Part of Your Daily Routine

There can be many problems during pregnancy, but dehydration need not be one of them. You can take charge of your daily hydration by making it a priority and a goal you pursue fervently.

How? Try setting proper and definite timings when you consume water throughout the day. The more you make it a habit, the more likely you will take advantage of the required daily water intake. While this is advice given to everyone, pregnant women should especially make it a habit to consume water first thing in the morning.

Also, avoid water that is too cold or hot. You can consume room-temperature water for summers and warm water for winters.

2. Make Use of Relevant Smartphone Apps

The smartphone world is filled with many applications to help you manage your daily water intake. So, remember to use them to your advantage! Through these apps, you can set a timely reminder for regular intervals.

In any case, your body is the best alarm to date. In the case of water consumption, you feel the need to drink and consume healthy water all you want. So, monitor your thirst pangs and set the app reminder accordingly. This will ensure you consume adequate water and keep your body from getting dehydrated.

3. Flavour Your Water!

Sometimes, more than clean and safe water is needed. This means you may sometimes feel uncomfortable with the idea of just plain water. What should you do during such times? Why not consume flavoured water?

Though it is recommended that most of your water consumption through the day only involve plain water, exceptions can be made a few times. However, even if you opt for flavoured water, ensure it is naturally sweetened.

You can enhance the water's taste through fresh fruit infusions such as oranges, limes, or watermelons. You can also use some herbs that offer a subtle flavour boost. But ensure you're not drinking too much mineral water because packaged water still contains impurities that can do more harm than good.

4. Consume Foods That are High in Water

If you ensure that the food you consume contains high amounts of water, you can handle proper hydration. Fruits and vegetables hold clean water within them. Still, try to purchase those that are organic and grown without toxic pesticides and chemicals.

Some top foods that contain high amounts of water include cucumbers, lettuce, apples, celery, watermelons, peaches, tomatoes, skim milk, broths and soups, plain yoghurt or curd, cabbages, and bell peppers.

Prepare a highly nutritious smoothie for breakfast, followed by a lunch with a considerable salad portion with all the good veggies mentioned above. If you not only drink but also eat your water, you naturally minimise the chances of dehydration.

5. Don't Wait Until You Feel Thirsty

In any case, it is best to consume clean and safe water at periodic intervals to prevent your body from going into a dehydrated state. But for expecting mothers, this need is even more urgent.

Since water supports such vital functions in the development of the baby, you cannot take any chances. So, even before you feel thirsty, drink regular fluids (either plain water or flavourful fruit drinks) to keep yourself hydrated.

Some common signs of dehydration among mothers-to-be include extreme tiredness, constipation, dry mouth, little or no urination, uterine muscle contractions, dizziness, low amniotic fluid, and so on. Watch out for these signs, but better yet, don't reach this point!

Benefits of Staying Hydrated

If the hot summer months are upon your head or fast approaching, it becomes all the more critical for you to stay hydrated. However, remember that only clean and safe water will offer you and your baby the nourishment for a healthy pregnancy.

All you need to do is invest in a good RO water purifier that cleans water thoroughly of all kinds of impurities, such as chemicals, microorganisms, heavy metals, and more. Then, you can enjoy the following benefits of proper hydration –

  • Optimal body temperature regulation
  • Clear and soft skin
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced chances of constipation
  • Reduced risk of infections of the urinary tract
  • Reduced risk of pre-term labour or birth

If you're not facing any complications, it's a good sign indicating safe levels of water consumption. However, refrain from relying on packaged mineral water. Stick to the best RO in India to offer you the necessary nourishment.

Finally, drink at least eight to 12 glasses of this water daily, and if your bathroom trips increase and the urine's colour is slightly pale or colourless, you're doing good.

Stay Thoroughly Hydrated with Livpure!

With a thorough understanding of your need for clean RO water, Livpure brings you advanced seven-stage filtration. The Livpure RO purifier thoroughly purges the water of all impurities, such as chemicals, heavy metals, salts, and more.

Even an in-built UF and UV purifier are available to ensure thorough purification. You can also invest in the eight-stage filtration copper purifier, which offers additional benefits of copper, which is especially important for pregnant women to maintain optimal blood volume.

The RO price will vary depending on the type of purifier you choose. Invest in a Livpure water purifier and say goodbye to all hydration fears, as you also get a good water capacity of at least seven litres. Get in touch today!

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