How sleep journaling helps you sleep?

How sleep journaling helps you sleep?

Sleep journaling is a little different from the journal you kept usually, maybe as a kid. During childhood, we may have used journaling to write down about our everyday lives and experiences, including our dreams, aims, and daily worries. Maybe it gave you some peace of mind to internalize what you were thinking and helped you create a sense of things as you grew older. Even beyond our childhoods we frequently grapple with anxiety, worry, and racing thoughts. These thoughts are often overwhelming and will inhibit our day-to-day lives further as negatively impact our sleep. But they shouldn’t. 

Sleep journaling is solely the act of recording your thoughts and feelings some hours before you go to sleep each night. It's going to sound the same as keeping a sleep diary, sleep log, or dream journal, but there are key differences between them- Sleep diaries and sleep logs are intended to keep track of your sleep habits instead of your thoughts. Sleep journaling is for your feelings, thoughts, maybe your to-do list for the next day, etc. 

Making Time to Write

When you are worn out from not sleeping properly, of course, adding one more chore to your exhausting day might seem like the last thing you would want to do. But writing in your journal takes only 15 minutes or so. Improving your sleep, can help you feel more enthusiastic and alert the next day, once it becomes a routine. You could wind up with a gain in energy.

If you choose to write in your journal right before bed every night, it can even become a soothing part of your bedtime routine and eventually an indispensable habit. Over time, you will come to associate taking out your journal with winding down at the end of the day, and that may also contribute to falling asleep more easily.

Be worry free with sleep journalling

Going to bed with anxiety is not a decent sign for an evening of restful sleep. To sleep well, your mind has to be truly at rest too, along with your body. Going over and over about your day in your mind will not at all help you with sleeping properly. One of the advantages of journaling on sleep is that a journal is a perfect place where you can just vent out about all your worries from the day. It is an area completely private to you, and you would be able to use it in any way you please. Just remember to keep your journal hidden away if you mean for it to be private! 

Sleep journaling boosts your mental health

There is an obvious link between a poor psychological state and lack of sleep. These two issues can make a Catch-22 situation. You can’t sleep thanks to your mental unwellness, but you can’t become mentally well without a good night’s sleep. One of the advantages of journaling on sleep is that it can boost your psychological state, helping you relax your way into sleep. Writing a journal can facilitate you to unchain and unbox your feelings and explore your creativity. This will help you to increase your self esteem and ditch your worries. By boosting your mental state, sleep journaling helps you to keep you away from going into a downward spiral. Keeping a space in your daily journal to explore your creativity and rant will help you sleep well. 

Sleep journaling gives you a digital detox

It’s a well-known indisputable fact that using electronic devices before bed can harm our ability to sleep. So, why won’t we put away our tablets and smartphones once we get into bed? After an extended day at the office, we do not always feel like sleeping right away at night. We wish to wind down, get entertained, and relax. 

And the way we do that usually is to watch tv, play games, use your Kindle or scroll through social media on your phone. Problem is, the blue light these devices emit can prevent your body from getting enough melatonin to sleep properly. To relax fully, it is better to keep electronics away from your bedroom and be electronics free at least an hour before bed. 

Make a to-do list

Making a to-do list could seem overwhelming if you have got plenty on your plate, but it really is useful for getting over anxiety or worrisome thoughts, and help you clear your head each night. Begin by compiling the unfinished tasks you would like to deal with tomorrow, big or small. Not only does this provide you a transparent list of intentions for the very next day, but it also helps you retain track of your progress and removes the anxiety of pondering these tasks as you are trying to wind down for bed and bring your mind to peace.

A bedroom is only for sleeping

Do not use your bedroom for anything other than sleeping and intimate activities. If you have a TV or a study in your bedroom, it will surely only encourage you to procrastinate about sleep more. A bedroom should be a haven for sleeping. It is best to adorn the bedroom windows with blackout curtains to help you sleep peacefully during early summer mornings.

Get a mattress that suits your needs so that you sleep pain-free every night. An ortho mattress for Livpure is what you are looking for if you have backache complaints every day when you wake up. 

Ortho X is an orthopedic mattress that will not only relieve you from your pains eventually, it will also reduce motion transfer from your partner. Trust Livpure to provide you with sleeping solutions to help you ease into sleep, and practice good bedtime habits and journaling for your mental well being. 

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