How Does the Water Filtration System Work in a Water Purifier?

How Does the Water Filtration System Work in a Water Purifier?

Water purifiers are now something that everyone knows the importance of. It ensures you always have clean, safe drinking water, so you don't catch any water-borne disease. But have you ever wondered how the water filtration system in a water purifier works? If so, you're not alone.

The process by which these technologies filter out impurities from water has caught the attention of many. Read on to learn more about the technology and what qualities should a water purifier have, if you are interested in buying a water purifier for your house.

The Reasons Why Water Needs to Be Filtered

Water is one of the most crucial elements because it makes up 71% of the Earth's surface and up to 75% of the human body. Agriculture, technology, medicine, transportation, leisure, preparing food, and possibly most importantly, drinking all rely heavily on water.

The majority of water supply is obtained from rivers, lakes, and numerous other sources of fresh water. It is contaminated with microorganisms, chemicals that come from agricultural runoff, and volatile organic compounds. Even though the water is subjected to stringent filtering before it is distributed to residential areas, contaminants may still be there. In order to eliminate any threat of disease induced by remnant contamination, water purification is necessary.

You may also find that the tap water in your area causes limescale deposits to form, which can jam pipes and cause damage to devices. The chlorine smell and odour, as well as the production of limescale, are just two of the many frequent water problems that may be remedied via water filtration. However, how exactly do water filters accomplish the job and enhance the water purifier quality?

Understanding the Crux

The core process of the filtration system is quite simple and similar to most purifiers. The first step is to draw the water into the device using gravity. Once the water is inside, it passes through a series of filters. These filters remove impurities such as dirt, dust, and bacteria. The final step is to pass the filtered water through a UV light or ozone generator, which kills any remaining bacteria. 

RO Water Purifier VS UV Water Purifier

What is RO water purifier system?

It's a method of cleaning water in which the molecules are forced to pass through a semi-permeable barrier. Therefore, only water molecules can cross the barrier, preventing the passage of dissolved salts and other contaminants. Therefore, there are no bacteria or other impurities in RO-filtered water.

The Reverse Osmosis Pre-Filters are connected to the cold water line and filter the water as it enters the system through the valve. Sediment and carbon filters are two examples of pre-filters that see regular use. These filters assist in eliminating grit, chlorine compounds and other particles present in water to safeguard the tissues from injury. In order to purify water, the outer layer is used. This clean water then enters the storage tank for later use.

As its name implies, this tank further refined processed water. All the water in the storage tank goes through a series of post-filters before it emerges from the Reverse Osmosis tap. Carbon filters not only enhance the water's flavour but also assist in removing unpleasant odours. Through the drain pipe, dirty water and other impurities are flushed away.

Why RO water purifier is required?

  • It is the most effective method for softening hard water
  • Mercury, fluoride, arsenic, and chlorine are some of the toxic substances that a RO can filter out
  • The brain damage and anaemia caused by lead exposure can be eliminated through RO filtration
  • It is the best bet for effectively removing Cryptosporidium from municipal water sources such as lakes, rivers etc
  • In this regard, Livpure water purifier is one of the best water purifier for home

What is UV water purifier system?

Harmful bacteria are eliminated from the water by using UV (Ultraviolet) rays in a UV water filtration system. Pathogens have been effectively eradicated from the water supply. Because it eliminates disease-causing organisms and does not alter the water's flavour, a UV purifier is a healthy addition to any household.

As part of the Ultra-Filtration process, water is pushed against a semi-permeable barrier using hydrostatic pressure. This membrane is useful for filtering out unwanted microbes and eliminating unpleasant odours from water.

Except for the size of the molecules it retains, ultra-filtration is not unlike reverse osmosis, microfiltration, or Nano Filtration. Colloids, bacteria, and pathogens, along with other molecules too big to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, can be filtered out with the aid of an ultrafiltration system.

What is UV+UF combination?

In simple terms, the ultraviolet light used in this process eliminates dangerous bacteria and viruses, and the ultrafiltration method removes their bodies, resulting in the production of clean water. The UV+UF combo is, therefore, a powerful and effective water filtration system.

Why UV water purifier is required?

  • It Kills 99.9% of the germs!
  • Since UV disinfection doesn't use any harmful chemicals like chlorine or biocides, the water it produces can be trusted to be purer.
  • There are no separate pieces in a UV purifying system. They are independent units that use UV lamps that can be exchanged easily.
  • UV technology is the future; it is compact as well as quiet
  • Water's pH, flavour, colour, or aroma are all unaffected by UV treatment


A water filter isn't your sole option for pure water. One such conventional approach is boiling. While boiling certainly gets the job done, it is not without its downsides. There's also the issue of how long it takes. While it is a refreshing treat on a chilly winter, warm water is not so welcome as the thermometer soars. Even after waiting for the water to cool, it will still be barely drinkable.

The water filtration system in a water purifier is a simple but effective way to remove impurities from water. Bypassing the UV light or ozone generator, it's able to kill any remaining bacteria. This makes it safe to drink and assures that you'll have fresh-tasting water every time you use your water purifier.

The most pressing questions, like "How do I choose a purifier?" can now be answered with the above information. For more choices, you can also look for water purifier online and buy water purifier for your home.

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