Health Risk of Oversleeping

Health Risk of Oversleeping

We often hear about the dangers of getting less quality sleep, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, sleeping an excessive amount also appears to possess some health risks. We are continuously learning about how sleep affects our body and mind and everyday new discoveries are being made. It’s known that during the time we sleep, our body repairs and restores itself, and getting less rest can result in a lot of health problems.

So, more sleep must be better right? Not so fast! 

Spending an excessive amount of time in bed comes with its own share of health hazards. In some ways, oversleeping itself has direct health effects, and in other cases, it becomes a symptom of other underlying medical conditions.

How much sleep does one need?

You have probably heard that you just should get a decent amount of sleep each night. Not doing so will put you in what’s called “sleep debt,” and may cause a bunch of symptoms and health issues. Exactly what quantity of sleep must you get? Sleep needs depend totally on age, but they're also individual. Your sleep needs may additionally be motivated by pregnancy, aging, sleep deprivation, and sleep quality. But most adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep.

If you are sleep-deprived, you should make some lifestyle changes and talk to your doctor. You may also want to inform your doctor if you’re getting an excessive amount of sleep. It is possible to get an excessive amount of a good thing. Excessive sleepiness is an indication of several different medical issues and excessive sleep can even cause some medical risks. 

Possible causes of oversleeping

Oversleeping is termed hypersomnia or “long sleeping.” This condition affects about 2 percent of individuals. If you suffer from hypersomnia, you might require as many as 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night to feel well rested. Since day-to-day life might include responsibilities that don’t allow this much rest, long sleepers may feel excessively tired during the day and oversleep on off days, sleeping the maximum amount of as much as 15 hours at a time.

You may experience hypersomnia if you frequently wake up in the middle of the night. You will not remember all of your nighttime wakings, but they will keep you from getting enough deep sleep and keep you from feeling fresh when you wake up in the morning. 

Why hypersomnia?

Hypersomnia typically starts in childhood. If you haven’t always felt as tired as you are feeling now, something else may be happening. Lifestyle factors can play a part. If you don’t get enough sleep on an everyday basis, your body may attempt to make up for it by oversleeping. There also are a variety of health conditions that may cause you to oversleep, such as:

  • thyroid issues
  • heart disease
  • sleep apnea
  • depression
  • narcolepsy
  • certain medications

Medical problems related to oversleeping


Studies have shown that sleeping too long or not enough each night can increase the chance of diabetes.


Sleeping an excessive amount or sleeping less than the required amount could cause you to weigh an excessive amount, as well. One recent study showed that folks who slept for nine or 10 hours nightly were 21% more likely to become obese over a six-year period than were people that slept between seven and eight hours. This association between sleep and obesity remained identical even when food intake and exercise were taken under consideration and monitored.


For a few people who are prone to headaches, sleeping longer than usual on a weekend or vacation can cause head pain. Researchers believe this can be due to the effect oversleeping has on certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin. Those that sleep an excessive amount during the day and disrupt their nighttime sleep might also find themselves tormented by headaches in the morning after waking up.

Back pain

There was a time when doctors told people affected by back pain to go straight to bed. But those days are long gone. You will not even have to curtail your regular exercise program after you are experiencing back pain. Seek advice from your doctor. Doctors now realize the health benefits of maintaining a particular level of activity and that they recommend against sleeping for long hours.


Although insomnia is more commonly linked to depression than oversleeping is, roughly 15% of individuals with depression sleep an excessive amount. This might successively make their depression worse. That's because a sleep routine is important for recovery.


Multiple studies have found that individuals who sleep nine or more hours a night have significantly higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours an evening. However, no scientific explanation has been found for this correlation yet.

Tips for better and adequate sleep

Set the stage for a good night’s sleep by following these simple tips:

Try maintaining a sleep schedule

Go to sleep and get up at the identical time daily, even on the weekends. Once you move to the bed and are awake at the same time every day, you condition your body to expect sleep during the same time. You will eventually get into a rhythm where sleep comes more easily.

Create a perfect sleep environment

Being comfortable will help your body go to sleep. Ensure your bedroom is the right temperature, dark, and quiet. You'll want to darken the space using curtains. Earplugs or a white-noise machine can help resound distractions. And consider switching your pillow or mattress if they're uncomfortable. A premium mattress and good, sturdy pillows will help you get proper sleep as well. You know where to get your supply of sleep products- Livpure. Try to limit the number of pets or children sleeping in your bed, and avoid falling asleep with the tv on, whether or not the sound is off.

Power down your devices

Computer and phone screens emit what's called blue light. At midnight this type of bright light can disrupt your body’s natural biological time and disrupt sleep. Power down your devices and limit your exposure to blue light within two to three hours before bed.

Mind your lifestyle habits

Taking care of yourself during day hours will help your sleep. Consider the food items you consume. Caffeine may wind you up if taken too near bedtime. Alcohol can cause you to feel sleepy, but it actually makes your quality of sleep worse. Herb tea or warm milk are better substitutes. Exercise is good for your body, but doing it in the evening may make you alert and disrupt your sleep.


As with many other aspects of health, moderation is the key when it comes to sleep. A lot of things are said about the dangers of too little sleep, but it seems that it is possible to have too much of a good thing- sleep. Regularly sleeping more than nine hours is linked with lower mental and physical health- making it important to strive for a normal amount of sleep and to be aware of changes in your body’s sleep needs that may indicate other concerns.

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