Health benefit of mineral water

While we see the benefit of water, mineral water is a healthier and more natural form of water that is safe for consumption. This water is generally pre-purified, as it travels through natural filters like clay, limestone, sandstone, etc. After collecting it, the mineral water is tested to analyse whether it is safe for consumption as per FDA and EPA standards. Once the sample gets a green signal, it is ready for packaging and selling.

But what is the hype about mineral water that is doing the rounds? You can enjoy the benefit of mineral water, such as maintaining heart and gut health, among other benefits, because of the minerals present.

What is mineral water?

Moving underground water comes out of an opening on the earth’s surface called a natural spring. Now, when we say that we can find mineral water in shops, we don’t mean that someone collected them and bottled them up for sale.

Mineral water can be made artificially by adding salts to distilled water or carbon dioxide to create more carbonation. Carbonation is the saturation of distilled water by mixing carbon dioxide. This is done to provide a sparkling water look and prevent spoilage.

However, the mineral content of natural and artificial water varies considerably. You can find the following in mineral water –

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Magnesium sulfate
  • Potassium
  • Sodium sulfate

Mineral water vs regular water

Both mineral and regular water contain oxygen and hydrogen molecules. However, water gets classified based on its sources as regular or mineral water. Let us look at some key differences between mineral and regular water.

  • Minerals and nutrients - Mineral water contains natural or artificially added minerals like zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc. It can be sourced from areas rich in minerals like rock beds or springs. Regular water may contain traces of vital minerals for the body.
  • Chemical processing - Regular drinking water undergoes processing, while mineral water does not.
  • Taste - Mineral water can taste harsh because of the heavy minerals, just like hard water. Regular water is quite bland.
  • Cost – Mineral water is expensive. The more the process involved, the more expensive it gets. On the other hand, regular water is low cost and can be free too.
  • Health benefits - The advantage of mineral water is its rich mineral profile and acts as a daily refresher. Regular water can help you cope with dehydration and balance body fluids.

Keep reading to learn about the unbelievable effects that mineral water can have on your body.

Health benefit of mineral water

The health benefit of mineral water is not just limited to heart health and the overall balance of electrolytes in the body. You can achieve good skin, bone health, etc. Let us look at some of the significant advantage of mineral water.

Lowers Blood Pressure

According to a 2004 study, mineral water can decrease hypertension. It can also increase calcium and magnesium if they are in low quantities. With the continuous intake of mineral water, there will be a significant decrease in blood pressure. Further, mineral water can improve blood circulation by balancing calcium, magnesium, and potassium levels.

Promotes Heart Health

We all know that we need to get rid of bad cholesterol or LDL for good heart health. Mineral water can lower harmful cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels.

Further, sulfurous mineral water rich in magnesium can stop the abnormal thickening of the heart valves and save from end-stage heart failure. Moreover, mineral water can help reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases in post-menopausal women, a pressing concern for many.

Relieves Constipation

Since lower levels of minerals in the body can cause bloating, abdominal pain and constipation, mineral water can improve these symptoms.

Pro-tip: Avoid drinking mineral water from plastic bottles due to the risk of contamination through plastic leaching. It is the process of chemicals in plastic leaching out to the food or water inside the plastic containers.

Source of magnesium

Magnesium helps to keep blood pressure under control, combat depression, boost exercise performance and even help improve insomnia symptoms. Magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle spasms, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, diabetes, etc. Mineral water can help overcome all these symptoms by balancing magnesium levels.

Strengthens bones

The calcium absorption capacity in young people is high, and the formation of new bones is faster than breaking bone tissue. As humans age, this capacity decreases, leading to bone breaking and bone loss.

Mineral water contains calcium that may aid in strengthening a person’s bones.

Side effects of consuming mineral water

One needs to be wary of certain things while consuming mineral water. For example, high sodium in mineral water can harm people with high blood pressure and kidney diseases. One other aspect of mineral water is that it has a lower pH value, which gives it a slightly more acidic nature than regular water. This might reduce the enamel hardness of teeth in the long run.

Best mineral water purifier – Livpure water purifier

The best mineral water purifier is RO water purifier + UV water purifier. Advanced livpure RO + UV water purifier can even add extra minerals like calcium and magnesium to enhance it. It contains an added mineral cartridge to add these minerals back after purifying the water.

Finally, you will get mineral water at the push of a button at home.

Wrapping Up

With the benefit of mineral water, it has become a holy grail among people who can afford it daily. However, it is pretty expensive compared to regular water.

If you would like to reap the benefits of mineral water, you can sometimes indulge in it when on a budget. Further, it would help if you looked at the importance of water purifier when it comes to filtering mineral water at home. Finally, mineral water is an added benefit and can act as a supplement to balance insufficient nutrition and help reduce many diseases.


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