Can you improve gut health with better sleep?

Can you improve gut health with better sleep?

If you've ever asked yourself why your gut health is so important, it's likely that you've also been plagued by sleep issues. Sleep can have a direct impact on the bacteria in your body’s immune system, both good and bad. But if you want to improve your gut health and get better sleep at the same time, it's possible! 

How does lack of sleep affect gut health?

As you know, sleep is essential for good health. The brain and body need it to function properly—and the gut is no different.

Sleep deprivation can affect your gut in a number of ways:

Lack of sleep increases stress levels: This can lead to inflammation in the gut (and elsewhere). If you have high levels of stress throughout your day, this can lead to an increase in intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome. This means that toxins can enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation throughout your body—including within the walls of your intestines!

Lack of quality sleep can cause obesity: Lack of sleep is linked with obesity because it decreases leptin sensitivity and makes it harder for us to feel full after eating a meal or snack (or even just drinking some water).

Lack of sleep Hormone can cause GRED: Melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone that is also linked with gastrointestinal functions. Low melatonin levels can affect sleep and cause gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Does changing gut health help in better sleep?

You may not be able to control your digestive system, but you can certainly take steps to improve it. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to do this. Eating foods high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids will help keep your gut healthy, while avoiding processed foods and sugary snacks may also be beneficial. There are certain foods that help you get better sleep, please read this article to know more.

As for sleep: if you're having trouble getting a good night's rest due to stress or anxiety about work or school, try to focus on healthy eating, cut down your screen time, and look out for ways to improve your sleep.

How to improve your sleep for better gut health

  1. Sleep in a dark room: If you can't sleep because your bedroom is too bright, then try sleeping with the lights turned off. You'll be more likely to get the restorative REM sleep that helps your gut health by reducing inflammation and regulating metabolism.
  2. Sleep on a firm mattress: A soft bed won't give you enough support for good posture, which is crucial for keeping digestion healthy throughout the night (and all day). 
  3. Invest in a good-quality pillow: A pillow will help you in improving your sleep and sleep position. Better sleep quality will be beneficial for overall health. 

While it’s not easy to change your sleep habits, there are ways of making them more beneficial for your overall health. 

Source: How Lack Of Sleep Can Affect Gut Health, February 24, 202, Henry Ford Health Staff

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