Best Way to Remove Bacteria from Your Tap Water

Best Way to Remove Bacteria from Your Tap Water

Nowadays everyone places a high priority on maintaining good hygiene and health. We have been trying to take care of the water we consumed by using an RO water purifier. Maintaining our vegetables and fruits fresh and safe for ingestion with the assistance of clean water is indeed necessary. However, if you pay great attention, you'll see that water is typically used in cleaning or sustaining hygiene duties. The most typical source of drinking water for every household is tap water. Well, there is no doubt that there are benefits of tap water, especially for bathing, cleaning, etc. However, drinking tap water cannot be a good suggestion. Because we do know the cons of tap water. For instance, Water, when it runs through streams, lakes, and other water sources microorganisms, are usually exposed to it. It can cause terrible health and hazardous diseases. It is highly required to find the best way to clean bacteria and can be done by applying careful testing, water filtration, effective disinfection, and guarding against the illness for you and your family. Additionally, you must opt for an RO water purifier that will process to remove bacteria from water. 

Livpure has the best water purifier to provide you access to mineral water for health and well-being. Choosing a Livpure water purifier is indeed a worthy expenditure to make.

Common bacteria found in water:

1. Giardia:

it is a tiny parasite that is one of the prevalent causes of waterborne diseases. Giardia leads to bloating, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and indigestion. Private well water is the most typical source of giardia. Animal and human waste is a source of giardia in water. Due to waste caused by animals exposing the freshwater to the parasite, wells close to farms are particularly vulnerable to Giardia infestations. The parasite can also be transmitted by wild animals such as deer, muskrats, and beavers. Giardia infections can also occur in wells that have been contaminated by septic system failure or overflowing sewage systems. Furthermore, there is a higher chance that the water will include Giardia if the well is immersed in floodwater for a long time. This makes drinking tap water unsuitable for humans. Therefore you should have the best water purifier to get safe and clean water. 

2. Shigella:

Shigellosis is an extremely contagious diarrheal illness brought on by the Shigella genus of bacteria. Shigellosis is most frequently distributed among children but can also infect adults who consume unfiltered water. If contracted, the illness results in severe diarrhea, fever, stomachaches, and cramping in the abdomen. In natural water bodies, rivers, lakes, and streams, Shigella is frequently present. Therefore consuming water from such a natural source, considered raw water, might be harmful to your health. However, the bacteria can also be found in shallow private wells. Hence, a Livpure water purifier is much needed in your home to get the best mineral water for health and fitness.

3. Legionella:

Any water surfaces naturally contain Legionella, a harmful bacteria that prefer warmer water temperatures. A pneumonia-like condition known as Legionnaires disease is brought on by Legionella. Legionella is more difficult to eradicate because it develops more quickly in warm water. Consuming water contaminated with Legionella bacteria can also cause Legionnaires illness. Numerous symptoms of pneumonia, including fever, coughing, headaches, muscle stiffness, and exhaustion, are also displayed by legionnaire's disease. Hence, a RO water purifier is required to remove bacteria from water and make it drinkable.

4. E. coli:

Escherichia coli is a type of bacteria that can result in serious illness if ingested. It can infect water, crops, and plants. Furthermore, the harmful E. coli strain can enter private wells, lakes, and rivers through agricultural runoff, precipitation, and floods. It can cause a potent toxin, vomiting, and severe stomach cramps. Although there have been certain instances where E. coli was discovered in municipal water sources, those who use private wells are most at risk of ingesting E. coli. Due to the lack of maintenance, there is a significantly increased danger that this unpleasant bacterium will find its way into your tap and contaminate your water. So installing a RO water purifier is the best way to remove bacteria from water and make it healthy to consume.

5. Cryptosporidium:

Similar to Giardia, Cryptosporidiosis is a tiny parasite that is commonly found in water sources. The two most prevalent aquatic parasites that cause sickness were Giardia as well as Cryptosporidium. Human intestines can harbor cryptosporidium bacteria, which can lead to the illness known as cryptosporidiosis. Diarrhea, nausea, fever, and weight loss are all symptoms of it. This illness can spread to the further digestive and respiratory systems to weaken immunity. It reaches water bodies through rain and flooding. This is highly needed to avoid drinking tap water and get the best way to clean bacteria from water with the help of a Livpure water purifier.

Best way to remove bacteria from water

1. UV Disinfection:

This is among the most popular, typical, and reliable methods for treating household microbes. UV radiation breaks down the DNA of bacteria, preventing their growth in water.  The germs are thereby fully incapacitated and made harmless to your body. UV purification units produce no wastewater, require no maintenance, clean water very effectively, and do not add extra chemicals to the water, as a result, They are widely mentioned as one of the best ways to remove organic contaminants from water.

2. Chlorine:

Water is chemically disinfected through chlorination, which helps to destroy microorganisms. The procedure is simple to carry out as well. By severing the chemical links between the molecules, chlorine essentially renders the bacteria inactive. Simply put, it destroys a microbe or bacteria's cell membrane, rendering it inactive. At that point, chlorine reaches the cell and messes up respiration and DNA function. This is the method used to remove microorganisms from water. Among the best and most effective ways to purge undesirable organisms from water and ensure their safety is chlorination. For this reason, chlorine is also present in swimming pools and water bodies.

3. Ozone:

Ozone is indeed a disinfectant that is frequently employed in food processing, industrial water treatment, and applications involving bottled water. Because of its benefits, it is increasingly being used in both home and public water sources. The fact that ozone, like chlorine dioxide, is incredibly powerful at eliminating parasites and other aquatic viruses is one of its most significant benefits. Water loses its unfavorable color and smell when exposed to ozone. Because ozone is just a gas and therefore cannot be transferred, it must be produced locally, either through arc discharge or UV light. Due to the advantages of each system, the makers can assist you in selecting the best one.

4. Distillation:

A point-of-use water purification device called a water distiller can get rid of germs like bacteria and viruses from limited quantities of water at once. The distillation method of water purification imitates the hydrologic cycle of the planet. Water evaporates off the surfaces of water lakes, seas, and rivers as part of the hydrologic cycle. Any trace impurities, such as salts, minerals, and particulate matter, that it has accumulated during its transformation from a liquid to a gaseous state are thrown away. It cools and condenses as it ascends into the atmosphere, creating clouds. It then precipitates as rain or snow and returns to the land in a clean, soft, somewhat acidic state. Distillation is highly effective in getting rid of all kinds of pollutants, including bacteria. In the medical industry, research facilities, and automotive uses, water is treated using water distillation, which is highly effective.

5. UV Treatment:

Studies showing the effectiveness, safety, and economic viability of UV radiation are also helping it gain popularity. Research proved that  UV treatment does not result in the production of any chloro-organic byproducts that are mutagenic or carcinogenic. Water is exposed to UV light as it passes through a sanitization chamber, which eliminates or inactivates bacteria, viruses, and cysts without adding any additional chemicals to the water. Bacteria can lurk beneath mineral particles and enter finished water, necessitating the pretreatment of the water to remove the minerals. When dealing with water, pretreatment should be taken into account.

About Livpure

After going through the article, you are aware of the cons of tap water. We have also discussed in detail the ways to conquer the problem. Water is a need of human life and we do want to consume it in a healthy form. This can’t be denied that there are a lot of benefits of tap water which is essential for us to consume, therefore Livpure has come up with the best solution for their customers. Livpure water purifier uses highly advanced technology to filter the water in a way that can sustain the required mineral of natural water and also eradicate the impurity from it. You can also browse to find many more products of your choice. In case you want to know more information, feel free to contact Livpure’s assistant. 

Also read: Top Five Reasons To Avoid Drinking Tap Water

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