10 Things Everyone Should Know about Water

Many of us do not pay much attention to water unless our body signals its need through a parched throat. Even then, we grab a bottle and gulp the water down until our thirst is quenched without further thought.

Despite being considered the sustainer and protector of life in Ayurveda, clean and safe water is among the scarcest resources in the world.

Keep reading to learn ten more things about water that everyone should know.

1. Water Forms 60% of the Human Body

If there were an accurate picture to describe the human body, it would be a highly absorbent sponge wrapped in water. At least 60% of the body is composed of water alone. No wonder man can survive even a month without food but only a few days without adequate water.

Water composition may further vary among men and women and even among different individuals.

2. The Human Body Needs Two Litres of Water a Day

Given the abovementioned fact that the human body is nearly 60% water, it is natural that you need a sufficient quantity of water every day. Though there is no one-size-fits-all quantity because different health experts may have different views, you still need an average of 1.8 to 2 litres of water daily.

And not just any water – the water should be free from all kinds of contaminants. Only safe water is good for the body's optimal functioning.

3. Water is the Most Important Component of Every Household

An urban household mainly runs on water! Besides direct consumption, safe drinking water is also needed for cooking, which could be between five and 10 litres daily.

Then come household activities that do not involve internal water consumption, including washing utensils and clothes, flushing toilets, cleaning the house, bathing, and more. If all these activities are combined, a good 100 to 150 litres of water is required by every urban household.

4. Even Then, 95% of Your Water Footprint is Indirect or Hidden

Besides all the activities mentioned above, it may be difficult to imagine that 95% of your daily water footprint remains hidden. Where? In your pantry and other items, among the different market-brought FMCG products.

Did you know that millions of gallons of water go into manufacturing these products? Such products include your car, clothes, electronic devices, packaged food, stationery, and more. Even fruits and vegetables are grown using gallons of water.

5. Drinking Municipal Water is Not Healthy!

Have you ever wondered whether the tap water of India is safe for consumption? Worse yet, have you ever consumed it? The truth is municipal water or tap water is unfit for drinking until purified using a powerful water purifier.

The municipal water consists of various impurities such as dissolved salts, heavy metals, bacteria, protozoa, and more. Only after proper and thorough purification can this water be consumed.

6. Drinking Water is Rarer Than You Think

Nearly 99% of the world's water is salt water, and only 1% is fit for consumption.

Even still, fresh water is undoubtedly unsuitable for direct consumption. It should first be purified using a smart water purifier. This only means that good drinking water is rarer than you might think!

7. Pure Water is Truly a Unique Compound

Were you taught growing up that water has no specific taste or smell? Then you weren't taught wrong!

Both safe and unsafe water can make your tastebuds feel a certain way. For instance – chlorine can make the water taste chemical-like, heavy metals can impart a metallic taste to the water, and copper water (which is good for health!) can taste earthy and strong.

But, safe and clean water generally does not have any specific taste. Remember that mineral water still needs to be purified as it may contain impurities.

8. Water Can be among the Best Natural Remedies for Fever

Contrary to popular belief, cooling off during a fever is not good because the body raises the temperature to fight off bacteria and viruses.

However, the best way to cool off naturally would be to consume plenty of water. This is beneficial because you lose vital fluid from your cells during fever, and water naturally helps regulate body temperature.

You can install a copper water purifier, as copper-infused water balances hypertension, facilitates digestion, and promotes faster healing.

9. The Same Water We Find Today Existed Thousands of Years Ago

Earth is a closed system. No additional matter can escape or enter this closed system. Maybe a tiny fraction of water may have escaped into the atmosphere, but most of it hasn't. The only thing is that water changes its forms based on the water cycle and nothing more.

So, do we drink the same water that would have been present at the time of the dinosaurs and patriarchs of the faith? Yes! The earth's water runs on a massive system of efficient recycling.

10. India (and the World) is Experiencing its Worst-Ever Water Crisis

Despite advanced purification techniques, smart water, and large-scale recycling, safe drinking water is as scarce as it gets. Now, it is natural to wonder how India, in particular, and the world, faces water scarcity when all water is mainly recycled.

The truth is that water wastage is rampant, which means we use more water than one requires. Since the matter is also about clean and safe water, this wastage creates immense pressure on the infrastructure, which leads to scarcity.

Choose Livpure for Advanced Purification!

Are you looking for a premium RO purifier? End your search with Livpure advanced filtration! The reverse osmosis purifiers come with an in-built UF and UV water purifier to thoroughly purge the water of all kinds of impurities, including heavy metals, chemicals, microorganisms, and more.

You can also choose the eight-stage filtration with copper infusion to enjoy the additional health benefits of copper water. So, what are you waiting for? Invest in Livpure water solutions today!


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