Water Purification And Its Advantages And Disadvantages

Water Purification And Its Advantages And Disadvantages

Modern water filtration techniques are more effective and adaptable than before, attaining purity and flavour without requiring a lot of technical expertise from their consumers. The time when a system was required for each type of filtration is long gone. Your purification is much more than a procedure because industrial water purifiers frequently integrate multiple ways in an individual tank. It's a tactic.

Compared to single tanks, multi-medium water purifiers are substantially more effective. A single tank may produce soft, safe drinking water by relying on density and stratum, and many modern manufacturers will create a collection of cartridge elements to precisely meet your requirements.

Water can be purified in a variety of ways, each with advantages and drawbacks of its own. For some applications, some strategies are superior to others. Distillation, reverse osmosis, and deionization are the three most used water purification techniques.

Let us now discuss the methods of purification available out there and the advantages and disadvantages they have.

RO Water Purifiers

Reverse osmosis removes the majority of dissolved salts and minerals from water by applying pressure to a semi-porous membrane using a pump. Reverse osmosis and carbon filters are used in a five-stage system to get rid of bacteria, chlorine, and minerals that contribute to hard water. You need a filter with a high salt rejection and recovery rate to obtain the best reverse osmosis performance for your plant. The latter reveals how much water you are able to recover through filtering. It can be quite expensive to have a poor recovery rate, so aim for 75% to 85%. Modern reverse osmosis filters use enhanced membrane technology to do their task. Even nanofiltration is possible for them. It may remove pollutants more thoroughly the smaller the pore size.

The Advantages:

  1. Makes water safer to drink by removing particles, germs, and viruses.
  2. Easy to use and quite small.
  3. Used for the production of high-quality drinking water from other sources like wastewater or stormwater runoff.
  4. Can be used with both public and private drinking water sources and come in a range of sizes.
  5. It is well-liked for commercial applications since it is adaptable and can satisfy the needs of many different kinds of enterprises.

The Disadvantages:

  1. Energy-intensive compared to other methods of water treatment
  2. The RO system's components are often pricey and require regular maintenance.
  3. They produce a lot of waste in terms of water dispensed while purification takes place


Water is purified by distillation using steam and condensation. Reverse osmosis is frequently used in conjunction with it because it may remove contaminants, chemicals, and germs, especially in areas with hard water. Healthy minerals like fluoride remove microscopic pollutants; hence, after filtration, the latter may need to be changed. Up to 5,000 gallons of cleaned water can be produced daily by commercial distillers, which use electricity or gas to generate heat. Steam can be moved through a water- or fan-cooled tube or cone, although carbon support is required if insecticides and volatile organic chemicals need to be handled. You can customise and containerize water systems to conserve valuable floor space.

The Advantages:

  1. Produces water of the highest quality.
  2. Uses only natural processes and has no filters or chemicals.
  3. Safer than alternative water filtration techniques.
  4. Can be used to clean a variety of liquids, such as vinegar, alcohol, and essential oils.
  5. Effective method to remove salt from saltwater, allowing it to be used for irrigation or drinking
  6. Water can be effectively purified without the need of electricity or any other kind of energy source.

The Disadvantages:

  1. Lack of speed
  2. Not cost effective
  3. Quality is a variable due to the various types of equipment available and their performance

Ion Exchange:

One of the finest methods for removing barium, radium, nitrates, and arsenic from water is deionization or ion exchange. It doesn't produce the flat flavour associated with stale distilled water and leaves water pure. The ion-exchange procedure is assisted by chelating and anion resins, which draw in positively charged ions. Because natural spring water is frequently contaminated with heavy metals and arsenic, ion exchange is the best method for cleaning it.

The Advantages: 

  1. Enables the creation of pure, drinkable water.
  2. Eliminates any undesirable tastes or odours from the water.
  3. Safer than alternative water filtration techniques.
  4. Does not lead to rust or scaling.
  5. Both affordable and simple to use.
  6. Can be included into a number of water treatment facilities and utilised to treat enormous volumes of water.
  7. Can be combined with other purifying techniques.

The Disadvantages:

  1. Expensive
  2. Stored water has a reduced shelf life
  3. The equipment utilised and the operator's skill can have an impact on the final product's quality.

There is nothing better than modern water purifiers if you have access to them. Your family's health is in grave danger if you continue to drink municipal tap water or groundwater that hasn't been purified. It is necessary to start using a water purifier today!

About Livpure


Livpure has made a name for itself in India as one of the most dependable producers of some of the best water purifiers available. It is the result of many years of development and research, and it is designed to provide water purifiers to millions of people. To deliver clean drinking water to every Indian consumer, we began by researching cutting-edge water purifiers.

Livpure water purifiers take your safety into account and adhere to water safety regulations without endangering the environment or endangering your health. You may select from a large range of water purifiers from Livpure that use Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultraviolet (UV), Ultra Filtration (UF), Carbon Activated Filters, and TDS Control Technology.

The Livpure online store, as well as Amazon and Flipkart, all sell water purifiers. By calling their customer service number, you can also schedule a free consultation with a member of the Livpure consultant team, who will respond to you right away. So what are you waiting for? Check it out now and explore ways to enhance healthy living in your homes.

Also Read: The staple for good health is pure drinking water

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