Best sleeping positions for side sleepers

Best sleeping positions for side sleepers

There are all types of sleepers. Some can only go to sleep while lying on their stomachs. Others must sprawl out across the bed for some decent snooze. Some turn into little balls while others find sleeping on their back is the only way they can sleep. Whatever sleep position you select, it’s important to understand that your sleeping position can affect how you are feeling when you wake up in the morning and throughout the day. 

Here, we will talk about side sleepers. A side sleeper is solely someone who sleeps on their side most of the night. You'll be able to count yourself among their ranks if you avoid sleeping on your back or stomach in exchange for sleeping along with your hip and shoulder right on the mattress.

What does sleeping on our sides do? 

Side sleeping helps our brains filter waste. Maximizing this waste drainage may prevent the event of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Your airway is additionally more likely to stay clear if you lie on your side, deterring snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. Gravity doesn’t push down on your throat’s soft tissues as it usually does when you sleep on your backside. 

However, there’s no such thing as the perfect position and there are disadvantages of side sleeping as well. You may start having shoulder pain if your mattress isn’t relieving enough pressure. Switching which side you sleep on and replacing your mattress and pillow with a softer one may fix the matter. If it doesn’t, you have to switch sleeping positions.

If you prefer to twist up in the fetal position, you will feel some back and joint pain, particularly if you've got arthritis. However, the fetal position can even relieve pressure on your joints with the right mattress and support.

Best side sleeping positions

Fetal Position

This position involves curling up sort of a newborn infant or a fetus inside the womb, along with your knees grabbed close to your chest. 41% of all people get to the present classic sleeping position making it an absolutely popular choice. The sleep positions can tell something about the personality, but yet not scientifically proven. It can be explored just for fun. Personality-wise, these sleepers seem tough on the surface but are sensitive in reality.

The Log

The log is your sleep type if you sleep on your side together with your arms down and shut close to your body, like an attention position but on your side. These sleepers tend to be easy-going and extroverted and do not find it hard to become popular with others.

The Yearner

These are sleepers who sleep on their side with their arms stretched before them. They’re known for “having an open nature, but maybe suspicious.” If you identify with this sort of personality, you may also carefully deliberate on the pros and cons of a choice before actually making it.

The Pillow Hugger

Pillow-huggers are cuddly folks that sleep on their side while adorably embracing a pillow and holding it close. It shouldn’t be surprising, then, that these are loveable personalities who really value their relationships with others.

The Thinker

This is a variation in the fetal position, with a twist. Thinkers will make out their chin resting on their hand as if, even in their dreams, they’re pondering about big life questions. These folks are feelers: once they feel good, they feel really good and once they feel bad, they'll be very moody.

Sleeping on the side for wellness

There’s excellent news when it involves sleeping on your side, in any of the side sleeping positions mentioned above. This position is gentler on your neck than sleeping on your stomach. However, studies show that sleeping on your side can actually apply pressure on your legs and arms. In fact, a study shows that this will sometimes cause carpal tunnel syndrome. If this risk scares you, but can’t imagine changing your habitual sleep position, try modifying it in these two ways. First, ensure that your arms are down by your side. Sleeping together with your arms overhead, perhaps around your pillow, can pinch your lower shoulder. Instead, lower your arms down by your side. You can also try sleeping with a soft pillow between your legs. This easy accommodation keeps your legs from adding any extra strain to your back. 

When it involves sleeping on your side, it is also important to notice which side you sleep on. This is often helpful to your body’s anatomy and also the location of your organs. If you go along with your left side, you’ll be happy to find out that sleeping on this side is related to an entire range of advantages. It can soothe heartburn and acid reflux, help with digestion, improve blood circulation, and even promote the drainage of poisons from your lymph nodes. Meanwhile, there appears to be a link between sleeping on your right side and acid reflux. It is best to keep to your left.

Mattress for side sleepers

Every side sleeper needs a mattress that enhances their sleeping style. Side sleepers are most comfortable with a soft mattress or medium-soft mattress. This allows the shoulders and hips to sink perfectly into the mattress, bringing the spine into a correct alignment. If your mattress is too firm, it will put pressure on your hips and shoulders while forcing your spine to arch or bend uncomfortably and affecting the alignment of your back. The obvious result? You’ll deal with constant arm pain from sleeping, shoulder pain, and lower back pain too sometimes.

At Livpure Sleep, you can explore the wide range of mattresses to suit your needs. If you are a side sleeper, you can choose from our memory foam mattresses with different thicknesses and compositions. Not only that, you can customize it to the side of your bed as well, and it will be delivered right to your doorstep without you having to venture out of the house at all. You can also change your pillow and try our memory foam pillow to sleep comfortably on your side. Whatever be your sleeping position, Livpure takes care of all your sleeping needs! 


Every sleeping position has its pros and cons, but most people tend to sleep on their side, which has many benefits in general, apart from a few sore joints maybe. But it all can be corrected with a few changes. Side sleeping benefits outweigh any cons it has, and hence it is the best position to explore if you have trouble with snoring or sleep apnea. Do not forget to have good quality sleep. After all, good quality sleep only helps you to be fresh and chirpy the next day! 

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