With the growing population, environmental degradation, and industrialization access to pure and clean water is getting limited by the day. This rising situation calls for a growing awareness of water purifiers and purification processes. This information will help you make the right call when purchasing a water purifier.

What is the purpose of a water purifier?

In simple terms, a water purifier is a product that removes all undesirable contaminants be it in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state from water, making it viable for a particular use. Contaminated water does cause a number of illnesses that can even be fatal at times.

How does a water purification system work?

Water purifiers and filters both operate on the same mechanism. They take up contaminated raw water, filter out impurities such as sediments and microorganisms, and then deliver clean water. There is one significant distinction between the two, however: a purifier can eliminate viruses and germs that filters cannot. To eliminate or capture viruses, some purifiers utilize chemicals, UV rays, or the Reverse Osmosis process(RO), while others use an electrostatic charge.

What are the different types of water purifiers?

The water purifiers available in the markets can be classified into the following categories:



RO water purifiers are electric systems that work by being connected to a power source. These water purifiers are the apt choice when it comes to a high level of water purification needed. RO also known as "Reverse Osmosis " is great for removing unwanted items, ions, and other harmful substances. Ultraviolet or UV water purifier removes unseen and invisible bacteria from our water. Zinger, Bolt, and Platino are some of our Water Purifiers that use RO filtration

In a UV + UF water purifier, the contaminated water passes through a UV lamp. The UV light is potent enough to kill viruses, bacteria, and pathogens that are responsible for causing water-borne diseases. UV light along with Ultrafiltration(UF) ensures high-quality purification of the raw water. The raw water is passed through a semi-permeable hollow membrane with tiny holes to block impurities from the water purified water. Glitz and Touch UV are examples of Water Purifiers that use UV + UF processes



Gravity-based Water Purifiers purify the water through a filtration process. It is a great option for portability. These gravity-based water purifiers get rid of bacteria and viruses. However, their effectiveness would completely depend upon the water source they are purifying against.

What is the source of water?

TDS stands for total dissolved solids which is a term used to describe the inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter present in water. They are substances that are toxic for human intake and can be caused due to chemicals and pesticides.

The 5 main sources of drinking water are:

  1. 1. Municipal water (200-500 ppm)

    Water supplied by the municipal corporation after treating and disinfection of raw water falls under the Municipal supply. This supply of water can have contaminants like chlorine, fluoride, lead, etc.

  2. 2. Ground Water (300-500 ppm)

    Groundwater is the most popular source of water. It is generally used by municipal sources, water bottling plants, and industrial use. Well water also comes under this category. Hardness and heavy metals contents – Iron and Magnesium – are common contaminants.

  3. 3. Surface Water (600-900 ppm)

    Streams, lakes, ponds, oceans, wetlands, reservoirs, and creeks are water sources that can come under the umbrella of surface water. They essentially have the highest contamination content.

  4. 4. Rainwater (80-300 ppm)

    Typically, rainwater and stormwater have negligible amounts of TDS content. Generally, rainwater has low pH and hence, is soft. However, it has to be treated like surface water.

  5. 5. Seawater (10,000-35,000 ppm)

    As we all know, about 97 percent of Earth's water is in the ocean and there’s very little freshwater left for consumption. Needless to say, the most common contaminant in seawater is salt and it reflects in the TDS.

    0-50 TDS is pure water but lacks essential minerals

    50-200 TDS UV and UV+UF RO
    200-2000 TDS RO+UF, RO+UV and RO+UV+UF

    PS: Above 2000 TDS, home water purifiers are not suitable and
    advanced purification methods will be needed

What type of purifier should you choose?

With new technology and multiple options available, it can be a challenge to find the best water purifier based on your requirements. Broadly, you can choose between an electric or non-electric water purifier. Electric water purifiers need a power output to work whereas non-electric ones do not. Electric water purifies are generally the apt choice for water sources with high levels of toxins i.e. salts, metals, bleach, chemicals, and pesticides.

In electric purifiers, you can choose from UV water purifiers, RO water purifiers, UF water purifiers, and more.

How much water storage capacity should you consider before buying a water purifier?

The requirement of water storage capacity in a water purifier depends upon usage and the number of people using the water purifier. Large families or commercial places require a larger storage capacity depending on the quantity of water consumed. Hence, a large capacity water purifier is ideal for the purpose. Similarly, a smaller storage capacity works perfectly for a smaller family or office space.

No. of people Required tank capacity
3-4 6-8 litres
1-2 4-5 litres
5-8 10 litres or more

How much is the warranty period and what is the maintenance cost?

Similar to most electric products available in markets, water purifiers do need maintenance too. Electric water purifiers have more components than their non-electric counterparts, but, non-electric units too need their filters changed from time to time. Livpure does have a one-year comprehensive warranty period for water purifiers with genuine replacement parts.

Choose a water purifier according to dimension:

Dimensions, mounting and dispensing type should be taken into account while looking for a water purifier. These attributes of a water purifier are very important while purchasing one. Water dispenser i.e. tap, knob or touch will also depend on the mounting type (table top or wall mount). Livpure offers compact yet powerful RO systems that takes up minimum space while still looking sleek and stylish in your kitchen.

Do you need a hot or cold facility in a water purifier?

Cold water

Hot water

Livpure understands the importance and health benefits of warm water. Studies show that a couple of glasses of hot water a day has immense health benefits. A hot water purifier is a must-have if you are looking for health benefits from water consumption. Livpure has taken care of these needs by offering a product that would do just that with Zinger Copper Hot Water Purifier.

Water purifiers have become an essential part of every household with the degradation in water quality over the years. Livpure offers the best water purifiers for homes with world-class technology at a low maintenance cost. The advanced research and development go into the manufacturing of a Livpure RO purifier to make it one of the most trustworthy brands in India right now. You have a huge range of water purifiers to choose from – from budget-friendly options to the state of art water purifiers. Simply choose the one based on your need and budget.